Travel Insurance Claims

Provider contact information is available in your policy documentation and is listed below.

You will also want to use provider contact information if you have an emergency during your trip.

If you need to file a travel insurance claim, please contact your provider as soon as possible. If you need to spend money out-of-pocket, speak to your provider first and save your receipts or proof of expenses to have accurate documentation for your loss. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact your provider directly before returning home.

For information on how to file a claim, please visit our providers page or click here.


Manulife Travel Insurance Logo Small


(800) 211-9093
Dial 1 for a medical emergency
and 2 to submit a claim
Active Care Management | TravelAid™

Emergency Assistance

(800) 211-9093
(519) 251-7821 (collect where available)
Dial 1 for a medical emergency
and 2 to submit a claim
Active Care Management | TravelAid™

Mailing Address

Manulife Global Travel Insurance
c/o Active Care Management
P.O. Box 1237
Station A
Windsor, ON N9A 6P8

Travel Guard®

AIG Travel Guard Insurance Logo Small


Residents of New Brunswick,
Newfoundland and Saskatchewan:
Canada/Continental U.S.
(888) 566-8028
International Collect
(819) 566-8028

All Other Provinces:
Canada/Continental U.S.
(866) 878-019
International Collect
(416) 646-3723

Emergency Assistance

Residents of New Brunswick,
Newfoundland and Saskatchewan:
Canada/Continental U.S.
(888) 566-8028
International Collect
(819) 566-8028

All Other Provinces:
Canada/Continental U.S.
(866) 878-019
International Collect
(416) 646-3723

Mailing Address

120 Bremner Boulevard
Suite 2200
Toronto, ON M5J 0A8


Tugo Travel Insurance Logo Small


(800) 663-0399
[email protected]

Emergency Assistance

From Canada/U.S.:
(800) 663-0399
Toll-free Global: (800) 663-0399
Call Collect: (604) 278-4108

Mailing Address

Claims at TuGo®
1200-6081 No.3 Road
Richmond, BC V6Y 2B2

TIPS Travel Insurance

TIPS Travel Insurance Logo

Travel Claims Department
P.O. Box 557
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K9
TIPS Claims

Emergency Assistance

USA & Canada: (800) 334-7787
Direct Dial Collect: (905) 667-0587
Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address

Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada
P.O. Box 557
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K9


Travelex Travel Insurance Logo

Zurich Travel Assist
Toll-free: (844) 799-0336
Collect: (416) 945-9806
Travelex Claims

Emergency Assistance
Zurich Travel Assist
Toll-free: (888) 444-2401
Collect: (416) 260-4754

Mailing Address
Zurich Travel Assist
100 King Street West
Suite 5300
Toronto, ON M5X 1C9


Tour Med Travel Insurance Logo Small 300 x 50

(877) 344-8398 Ext. 4

Emergency Assistance
From Canada or USA (toll-free):
(844) 820-6588
Elsewhere (toll-free):
(888) 820-6588
You may need to dial other digits before the 1 to “exit” your host country.
Collect: (819) 377-2241

Mailing Address
Tour+Med Travel Insurance
247 Thibeau Blvd.
Trois-Rivières, QC G8T 6X9